The apostle Paul in his address to the Ephesian church promises the churches purity with these words, “Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish.” (Eph.5:25-27). It is through Christ Jesus that his church will become a most pure and spotless bride made ready to dwell with him in his glory forevermore. And if this is the work of Christ toward his church then his church will desire to submit herself to the work of that purity by faith in him.
Recently I wrote concerning “The True Church” as the visible gathered people of God who confess faith in Jesus Christ and their children, and which is marked by the preaching of God’s Word, the right use of God’s ordained sacraments (Communion & Baptism), and the right discipline of her members. The true church is not always a pure church. The pure church is one that is actively pursuing conformity to God’s revealed will in the Scriptures. For example the seven churches addressed by the Lord Jesus Christ in the book of Revelation were all true churches. The Lord Jesus had some good things to say about them as his bride. However in the midst of affirming their trueness he challenged their purity in the words, “But I have this against you…”. The church will continue to struggle with purity as she struggles with the indwelling sin of her members and her corporate indifference or disobedience to the will of God. As the Westminster divines penned for us, “The purest churches under heaven are subject both to mixture and error.” (WCF 25.5). Therefore there is a need for the true church to be pursuing by his grace being a pure church. And it is according to the revealed will of God that the church knows what distinguishes the church’s purity.
There may be many categories and sub categories understood through the Scriptures to define a pure church. Here I present a modified list from Wayne Grudem’s Systematic Theology. (pg.874) that biblically defines the pure church:
Biblical Doctrine in Preaching and Teaching (Eph.4:11-16; Col.1:28; ; 1Tim.3:15; 2Tim.4:1-2)
Proper Use of the Sacraments in Worship (1Cor.11:17-34)
Discipline that Aims at Nurture and Restoration (1Cor.5:1-13; Mt.18:15-20; Gal.6:1)
Genuine Worship in Spirit and Truth (Jn.4:24; Col.3:16-17; 1Cor.14:26-40)
Effective Biblical Prayer (Mt.6:7-13; 1Tim.2:1-2; Col.4:12)
Effective Compassionate Witness (Mt.28:19-20; Acts 2:44-47; 1Jn.4:7)
Effective Genuine Fellowship (Acts 2:42-47; Gal.6:2)
Biblical Church Government (1Tim.3:1-13)
Personal Holiness in Members (Heb.12:14)
Mercy to the Poor and Suffering (Rom.15:26; Mt.11:28-30)
Expressed Love for Christ (1Pe.1:8; Rev.2:4)
The purity of the church is the work of God’s grace in his church according to his revealed will therefore like any pursuit of a goal it requires something of those who pursue it. First, the church must pursue unity as we aim at this grace wrought purity. The church must be realistic in understanding that there will remain corruption and impurities that necessitate patience and forbearance as she pursues unity in purity. There are no perfect churches only messy churches. But God has filled those messy churches with people who he has justified and is sanctifying for the purpose of saving and sanctifying the whole. The pursuit of purity in unity requires individual and corporate enduring patience and faithfulness that holds to what God has done and what he promises to do in his true church. Second, the pursuit of this purity requires valued participation in the life of the church. Purity will not be experienced in silence and solitude. Purity is a corporate experience of the body of Christ. Often when members of the corporate body experience impurity and messiness they will pull away thinking they can pursue a relationship with God apart from his church in a more pure manner. But this pursuit is contrary to the purity of God’s church. The church is defined as the called out and called together people of God. And it is this church in covenant with God and one another that God purposes to purify. Third, the pursuit of this purity in the church requires prayer. While Simeon and Anna waited for the “consolation of Israel” in the coming of the One who would make his own pure, they waited in the temple in prayer (2:25-38). While the church waits on her purity through his wisdom. power and grace we wait in prayer. The church must hide in her closets and gather in her assemblies for her purity through prayer. Fourth, the church pursues purity in faithfulness to the person and work Christ. The Lord Jesus Christ is the effective purifier of his church. Therefore, the church apart from him and his word can do nothing. The pursuit of the goal of church purity requires the responsibility of unity, participation, prayer and faithfulness to Jesus Christ.
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