Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Reflection 11- Calvin's Institutes: Education

A closing thought from Calvin at the end of Chapter 14 leaves us sitting at our Creator’s feet being nurtured and learning from Him, and it leaves me with a thought on education.

“To conclude once for all, whenever we call God the Creator of heaven and earth, let us at the same time bear in mind that the dispensation of all those things which he has made is in his own hand and power and that we are indeed his children, whom he has received into his faithful protection to nourish and educate. We are therefore to await the fullness of all good things from him alone and to trust completely that he will never leave us destitute of what we need for salvation, and to hang our hopes on none but him! We are therefore, also, to petition him for whatever we desire; and we are to recognize as a blessing from him, and thankfully acknowledge, every benefit that falls to our share. So, invited by the great sweetness of his beneficence and goodness, let us study to love and serve him with all our heart.”

In a day where “education” is the answer to all our woes, and where the educators are continually changing the way to educate because “education” is not solving our woes, I would suggest all our educators read Calvin’s Institutes. It is here in this first book we find our woes because we have turned our children, parents and their educators away from the knowledge of the Creator in pursuit of false gods. We have stopped believing that we are children who are called to sit at our Creators feet where we can be nurtured, educated and supplied of all we need. We have believed that the false gods who call us to chase their elusive knowledge and presence down through experience and constant experimentation will never leave us destitute, while millions live destitute lives in the miserable wake of elusive “education”. We should be so invited to sit and learn by his sweetness exemplified in his benefits and goodness in the created order that we turn our backs on the gods who leave our lips pursed in sour and bitter tastes as they continually call us out to play.

When I call to my children in the morning to rise, For this is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it, I call them to hang their hopes on him who rules the universe, who has made them, sustained them through the night, granted them new mercies, and who calls to them to come and learn from him for he is gentle and humble of heart. Educators take up Calvin and read and let him lead you and the Creators children to the only Creator and Savior.

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