Thursday, February 12, 2009

Fathers, Carry Your Crook

Fathers, Carry Your Crook

Sometimes I find it helpful to be reminded of what our callings are and how we should be carrying them out. Therefore I seek to discipline myself to read in the areas of my callings. For example I am reading at present The Expository Genius of John Calvin by Steven J. Lawson. It is a short read but a strong reminder to me of what is important as I carry out God’s calling as a preacher.

In my reading online today I came across an important read for fathers as the instructors of their children. This is an important calling that I have as a father of six, and a calling that all fathers must find themselves not to busy to fulfill. I encourage fathers (and mothers) to link to this article at the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood web site.

Stir up your thoughts toward the great privilege given you and your affections toward God who has given you this privilege so that you may by his grace carry out your responsibility to fulfill your calling as a father.

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