Saturday, January 19, 2008


“It was pride that changed angels into devils; it is humility that makes men as angels.”
-Augustine of Hippo

To God’s people angels are a great blessing. Whether they are brining news of a great joy, declaring the praises of God before men or dragging one out by the arm to escape horrible judgment, they are conduits of goodness, heralds of wisdom, and servants of the power of God. But devils are another matter. They speak with the tongues of asps, minister with the mastery of murder, and bring suffering that leads to sorrow absent of joy. O that God’s people would be as angels to one another robed in the beauty of humility, and not as devils destroying one another in cloaks of pride.

"There is no tongue that can express, or heart that can conceive the horrid sins and miseries that pride has ushered in among the children of men." - Thomas Brooks

"But he gives more grace. Therefore it says, "God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble." - James 4:6


windycorner said...

Hi Jim,
Nobody could ever call you a geek. If they tried, I would defend you against geekdom to the end.
I'm gonna add your blog to my calling cards list. Look forward to reading this everyday.
much love,

Josh Espinosa said...

Thanks Pastor. Something I've been asked to deal with and rid it from me is the Pride of Defensiveness.

Nicholas T. Batzig said...

Pride is such a subtle enemy in our hearts. I know there are many times when I am proud and do not even realize it. Its interesting that you wrote this post, Jim. The Lord has brought the subject of godly humilty to my attention, from several different people, many times over the past week. I am sure that He is teaching me the importance of humility. As the Psalmist said, "You will save the humble people, but will bring down haughty looks." (Ps. 18:27).